US John Kerry exiting the White House


March 05, 2024

US John Kerry exiting the White House

Tomorrow, the 80-year-old climate envoy will leave office to take his fight against global warming to a different arena — one where he believes he can be more effective by working to marshal private sector money for climate efforts in a year when politics threaten to complicate America’s ability to meet its climate commitments.

  • John Kerry believes the world can still limit global warming, even if U.S. climate politics are “embarrassing.”
  • “It’s time to go do the next step of this, which is accelerate the transition” to clean energy, Kerry said in a recent interview from Foggy Bottom. “Whatever we can do to accelerate the transition is the only way we win this battle.”

John Kerry represented the State of Massachusetts in the United States Senate from 1985 to 2013, served as the 68th United States secretary of state from 2013 to 2017 in the administration of Barack Obama before he became President Biden’s White House climate envoy.


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