Mohamed Malick Fall, the UN’s top aid official in Nigeria has condemned the reported abduction of more than 200 people in the country’s Northeast


March 09, 2024

UNMohamed Malick Fall, the UN’s top aid official in Nigeria has condemned the reported abduction of more than 200 people in the country’s Northeast.

Mohamed Malick Fall said in a statement on Wednesday that a non-State armed group was alleged to have abducted the people from camps for the internally displaced in Borno state.

  • In a statement, Mr. Fall noted that some older women and children under age 10 had been released, but scores remain unaccounted for.
  • The senior aid official also said that he stood in solidarity with the families of all those abducted and called for their release.
Children abducted.
  • On Thursday, more than 100 Nigerian schoolchildren were abducted in the northwestern Nigerian town of Kuriga, according to news reports.
  • The students, aged eight to 15, were reportedly rounded up along with a teacher after gunmen riding motorbikes entered their school assembly area.
  • Eyewitnesses reported that one pupil was shot during the kidnap raid. The incident is not believed to have any connection with the apparent kidnap of women and children earlier in the week in the northeast.

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